Friday, January 28, 2011

Relay for life... the competition has begun! - TEAM - LOGAN'S RUN

So much for a friendly fund-raiser and social event!  Evan is already in the lead with his fund-raising with Charlee close behind. We have ten people so far on our team, but would love more.  We need to have the baton on the track at all times, so please help by either sponsoring one of us (me would be good!) or join the team. Remember, the event is on March 5th and 6th at Ruakura. We have tent site 67 (a good year). We will have a tent and small marquee, along with the BBQ and table, so come make yourself at home... It's all for a great cause. These people have been so kind to us since Logan became ill.  They provide emotional and practical support, right down to petrol, food and phone vouchers.  Give generously friends.  It will never be wasted.

Catch ya'll soon